Anne Blair Brown
It all started in April when a dear friend gave me a birthday gift to put toward purchasing supplies for painting. I treasure my DVD collection of artist instructional videos so I immediately went on a search for contemporary impressionistic art teachers. I came up with two candidates; Peggi Kroll-Roberts and Anne Blair Brown.
Step 1: The art teacher search was done.
Step 2: Power up Amazon prime and off I go. Well, not so fast smarty pants! I came face to face with this information just prior to pushing the order button.
"A Painter's Journey is available through
Vimeo On Demand. Through
Vimeo you can watch the
video series on any of your
devices through the
Vimeo app or
simply download them to your
The underlined words are things that I know nothing about.
With the higher cost of Brown's series I was not about to do my usual just push more buttons. Then tI read;
money is non refundable!! I didn't want to download this cyber thing and not be able to store it so I can watch it over and over. Where is it stored?
This isn't going to be easy, is it?
Step 3: I spent hours over many days on U-Tube researching every angle that I could think of. It was very frustrating but I learned a new little fact with each on line video. I always ask friends and even my hair dresser about my conundrum. The hair dresser said I only needed a Streaming Stick and not the whole Apple TV equipment and one needs a smart TV to make this work.
Step 4: Luck was on my side when the very very old TV finally died so off we go to Best Buy to purchase a new smart TV. Done.
Step 5: Another trip back to Best Buy for a Roku Streaming Stick. The salesman said it is very easy to put in and use. Big smile and a thank you very much.
Step 6: I need to open a free Vimeo and Roku account. I handled that like a pro.
Step 7: I now must program my smart TV to my Wifi so they can communicate. That did not work until my husband and I got the Roku purchased and plugged in. The remote would not work so after a few words and time he discover that the batteries to the remote were not put in correctly. All of this is so frustrating. At last the TV is talking to my Wifi!
Step 8: I dash back to Amazon Prime to order a test run art video. I chose Limited Strokes by Peggi Kroll Roberts but nothing shows up on the TV, did I just throw money into cyber space? I now have three remotes and I do not know when to use what.
Step 9: No one told me that Roku has to talk to Vimeo so while I just happen to be pushing buttons I saw the logo for Vimeo and pushed it. Voila, the TV gives me a code so I rush back to my computer in another room to punch the code into my new Vimeo account. All was functioning.
Step 10: See the big smile on my face? I learned how to stream videos from my Mac to my TV so I can watch them from the comfort on the couch which I then used to "rest my eyes" after all of this learning curve.
Step 11: As a by product I learned how to use On Demand that has been on the smart TV the whole time. I can go back and watch the missed shows of Genius-Picasso that I missed.
Step 12: Let me revel in my glory!!