Friday, December 19, 2014


Just because I was taking a break from blogging it doesn't mean I took a break from painting. Here is a painting of my granddaughter which will be a gift to her parents.

My title; "I Showed up for the Ball Game", means that I took 4 paintings into a local co-op art gallery to be judged in the hope that I may join as a member. They were very gracious telling me not at this time and were honest enough to share the group critique. I need to get a body of work that is cohesive of my own distinct style. That critique was sincerely appreciated.

If you read my prior blogs it becomes apparent that I have been searching for  this artistic identity and will continue to do so. I asked myself what do I find the most joy in painting? Not the subject matter but the style of the moment I have answered impressionism or abstract expressionistic. The only problem is that many of the gallery members are doing the same style and I need to find a different interpretation so that my work stands out in the crowd of other wonderful painters.

I now have a specific goal. All of the swirling possibilities are slowly being narrowed down and that is progress, for this I am pleased.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


     I know I am on break but this bit of whimsy just popped out of me. It will be a holiday/ house warming  gift within the family.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Cool Dude- Mixed Media
Every year I reach a point of frustration; where am I going to store all of these paintings? Or my better half mentions how much space I am taking up in the guest room and he is right.

 Then I begin with my: Why do I keep painting pictures if I have no outlet for them, why do I work so hard to once again reorganize my small studio to squeeze everything in? It is no longer squeezable.

I don't have a delete button so I go into purge mode to donate my art work. It is a good time to reevaluate the quality of my collection, get rid of the so so and set a higher standard for myself. It still hurts to jettison my creations but it must be done.

The other thing I can do is stop painting for a while. Don't paint for the sake of just painting but wait until a subject pulls so strongly on me that I have to paint it.

Taking a break.