Saturday, May 27, 2017

A new class Julie Johnson

     Do you think I have a problem painting faces? I have numerous paintings where I am stuck with the face therefore they are never completed.  I know start with the eyes then work from there but you know me; start with the easy and inspiring.

     I signed up for an on line class with Julie Johnson via the Jeanne Oliver web site. It was recommended by Chris in my Monday painting group and she is usually spot on with her recommendations.
 PAINTERLY PORTRAITS is my new class and it is full of information. I know I am learning because I am taking notes and feel out of my comfort zone. I will listen to the numerous videos once all the way through then I will repeat, experiment then repeat again. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the color mixing but I am trying to simplify so it make sense to my style of learning. 
I took a marker to a palette paper that I could place under a glass plate which had the value scale down the left for reference, neutrals on the far right and mixing of warm and cool from a double primary limited palette. After obtaining the mother pile I made three values of each. Julie added colors so easily to make a color warm or cool, change the value that I got a little bit lost.

Wow, one mean looking lady!

I am learning so much that I think I have given myself a headache.  

My best for this lesson.

Friday, May 19, 2017


My Painting Gal Pals

      Every Monday at 9:30 am  8-10 ladies meet at Rita's condo club house to paint together. These  women are true friends with whom you can share you life happenings without judgement and with confidence. If one of us needs something the others will be there to help. At about 11:30 someone will say; "Where are we going to eat", today? We always go to a local restaurant to have lunch, eat half of it and take the rest home for dinner or a treat if there is a husband at home. 

     We were eating at an Italian place one time when a younger man came up to us to say he enjoyed hearing our conversations but mostly our laughter. The stranger said a group of young professional women were in the week before and each one of them was on their phone or I Pad.  To be with people and ignore their presence by being on a phone would not even cross our minds but it was a kind observation from a stranger.

Another time another stranger said to Meave; "I like your hair", she wears it in a lovely white mohawk! White is the preferred hair color for the group but I am thinking of surprising them with a temporary pink tips dye. Why not? That is the same resason I got a tattoo the day before I turned 60.
........"Let's give them something to talk about".......

     We have lost a few precious members over the years; had to move away to be closer to the kids or passed away but each is remembered in our hearts.  This leads me to the most important lesson I have learned from these gals; you alway (no matter your age) must keep meeting new people and share you life with the ones that are worthy. Guess I thought that when one got old life would be static and unchanging....wrong again!  Accepting the changes makes all the difference in the happiness quotient and camaraderie of friendships can be the life jacket to help one keep on keep'in on.

Friday, May 12, 2017


     To keep myself in shape for painting I go to a Silver Sneakers exercise class twice a week, I am going on my sixth year of being pretty faithful. In the past I have pooped out on all attempts to stick with exercising program but this time I have gotten to know the other students and the teacher. It is hard to walk out in the middle of a class with;" Oh I have a pain" or "I'm tired already", so I stay to the end which pleases me.

   One of my fellow students was telling me how he had painted a few rooms in his condo ( the dear is 86), bought a new used couch from Habitat for Humanity and even got new lamps at Home Depot. After class I said I would like to paint him a picture to add to his redecorating, my gift to him. I could tell he was so tickled at the thought as we discussed how big and the subject matter.

     The next class he said; "I love Great Blue Herons" so that was our subject. I started three different designs of herons and settled on this pose. The other two poses are under this painting.

Stage one.
Great Blue in the Mangroves

I hope Mike likes my loose style of painting and I hope it brightens his day each time he looks at it.

Paint it Forward!

Saturday, May 6, 2017


     It won't take many words to walk you through to the final painting. Wendy had us sketch, paint with watercolor, add colored pencil then top it all off with creamy oil pastels.

     You know how much I love painting flowers and I was definitely outside of my comfort zone with the oil pastels. Discomfort is not a good reason not to try new things so I followed Wendy's lead.
Don't write home about this one.