I want to tell you a story, let me set the scene:
Cup of tea in a Fiesta mug, a cookie in hand on a balmy 76 degree sunny day in
Florida. It looked like perfection until one digs deeper into the state of things; the leading
lady feels like poo and such a week she had! An Oy Vey type of week.
Two weeks ago she was hit in the rear end of her van by a lady rushing to get into her vacated parking spot at the gym. That ended very well with everyone being very kind to the older woman who was having an "old lady moment". OK, I was a bit rattled but in that moment she realized that she was the old lady!
Leading Lady and hubby get through having the van repaired and working with a loaner car that feels very strange with no key just a fob that you don’t dare lose, she doesn’t like change to her daily routine.
The next day her husband wakes up one morning saying he needs to go to the Dr. that day. OK she agrees, he makes the appt.& heads out to his van only to find the battery is dead. OK, take my car and I will get road service to fix the battery. You never know what a day will bring and on with the Oy Vey story. Several Rx later the husband is feeling better but the leading lady is going down hill fast. Both sound like barking seals but the dog is quiet.
The dear lady had to cancel yoga, open studio and an art demo on Sat. and two Cultural Council meeting. The newly diagnosed asthma kicks in but this time she has meds to stop the crud from killing her. Dear Lord may next week be better.
Oh, I am not done.
The dear husband takes off to do volunteer work and an errand. The sickly leading lady gets a call that his left front tire caught fire and he is being towed, could she meet him at our car repair guy.( he pulled into a home and used the garden hose to put out the fire.) OK, she drags her body out to save the day.
Yesterday she gets an email from her daughter that brother- in- law Jeff’s dog drown in their swimming pool.
The lady decides to stay home for fear of lightning will see her out and turn her into an electrified fulgurite.
Permit me some drama.
Both cars are repaired and both characters in the story are on the mend but the leading lady just found out today that she needs a root canal.
Mary Ellen
Two weeks ago she was hit in the rear end of her van by a lady rushing to get into her vacated parking spot at the gym. That ended very well with everyone being very kind to the older woman who was having an "old lady moment". OK, I was a bit rattled but in that moment she realized that she was the old lady!
Leading Lady and hubby get through having the van repaired and working with a loaner car that feels very strange with no key just a fob that you don’t dare lose, she doesn’t like change to her daily routine.
The next day her husband wakes up one morning saying he needs to go to the Dr. that day. OK she agrees, he makes the appt.& heads out to his van only to find the battery is dead. OK, take my car and I will get road service to fix the battery. You never know what a day will bring and on with the Oy Vey story. Several Rx later the husband is feeling better but the leading lady is going down hill fast. Both sound like barking seals but the dog is quiet.
The dear lady had to cancel yoga, open studio and an art demo on Sat. and two Cultural Council meeting. The newly diagnosed asthma kicks in but this time she has meds to stop the crud from killing her. Dear Lord may next week be better.
Oh, I am not done.
The dear husband takes off to do volunteer work and an errand. The sickly leading lady gets a call that his left front tire caught fire and he is being towed, could she meet him at our car repair guy.( he pulled into a home and used the garden hose to put out the fire.) OK, she drags her body out to save the day.
Yesterday she gets an email from her daughter that brother- in- law Jeff’s dog drown in their swimming pool.
The lady decides to stay home for fear of lightning will see her out and turn her into an electrified fulgurite.
Permit me some drama.
Both cars are repaired and both characters in the story are on the mend but the leading lady just found out today that she needs a root canal.
Mary Ellen