In my last blog I told you how much I value the demonstrations given in Anne Blair Brown's video. In the interim I have been putting into practice the lessons she presented.
I set up a watercolor paper journal with 4"X4" thumbnail squares drawn to follow Brown's process:
1. Gesture drawing of the subject
2. Notan of only two values
3. Value drawing with 3-4 values.
4. A color note painting using gouache ( Brown is an oil painter).
This helps determine the colors from a double primary palette
that would look most pleasing.
5. Using the limited palette mix up all the colors that you think you will need for the painting. This is probably my biggest weakness.
6. Paint a small version of the painting that you wish to do. After all these steps Brown says an artist will know the subject better. The prep work will enhance the design, colors and values of the paintings. She states that taking the time to do the preliminary work will greatly reduce problems in the final product.
I always wanted to just dive in and hope for the best. The greater percentage of the time I do not like the paintings that I produce so maybe I need to step back, slow down and really learn my trade.
A Painter's Journey makes me feel that I can really become the painter I want to be if I put in the hours of painting.
The creative hope of being able to put on canvas that which is in my mind's eye is an energizing feeling.
Mary Ellen