Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Mary is a delight!!! Very personable and knowledgeable but can she teach? 
Yes,  I taught high school for 30 years and I feel I know a good teacher when I see one in action. Mary had concise handouts which outlined her thought process so when we hit mental overload we could reread the concepts. She came prepared having pre-painted studies to visually show the techniques she was demonstrating .
So much to teach, so little time!

Look at her plein air equipment and palette. 

Final painting showing the "how to" stages.

     Mary put us at ease by stating we are not going to finish a painting, we are not going for master piece, we are doing a series of studies just for the sake of learning.

I always feel under the gun when at a workshop and my painting results show it but I always learn!

Day 1: We were in the classroom for the morning watching and listening to Mary demonstrating how to paint a sky/water scene that she had done on sight the day before. She showed the paints that she uses ($$$) and gave us their web site.              Don't buy paint.
She also recommended 3 books that she feels strongly about. I have the middle one.

Suggested books and information on the brand of paint that she uses.
     I have so much to write that I will break it up into a daily journal with days 1-3. 
Look for my next two blogs.....please.

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