I needed to refill my artistic well so I signed up for an online workshop with Wendy Brightbill; "Gathering Beauty". A class helps me to rein in my scattered thought of what to paint or experiment with next. I fear I am one of those that abandons a new style half way through the learning process, I see something bright and shiny so off I go in a new direction.
First Wendy said to gather photos of my own still life set ups: OK done.
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Next Wendy covered line, value and color. All are important topics and Wendy did a great job for teaching a beginning artist but I must admit that I did do a little fast forwarding until I came to the subject of color. I used the black and white plus the color still life from Wendy's class, tracing it onto my watercolor paper. Now I am ready to watch the two color videos.
Points observed: * first set out a palette of warm colors plus black and white to paint a variety of warm colors into the flowers, (I normally use a full but limited color palette) * black and orange give a brown,* Wendy adds gray to "dull"a color . ( new to me) Next she sets up a separate cool palette of greens and blues, the colors are not from a limited palette which I am used to using. *vary colors with in an object frequently, * finish off with a silver and white metallic pen, (new to me)* complete the painting with colored pencils and oil pastels for more delicate details, * use a dull color for the background ( new to me).
It was not the most informative on line class for me but I do like her impressionistic style and her enthusiasm for painting. If I only learn one new thing it is worth my time and I did learn. I will now complete the still life using her method so look for the results next week.
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