Here is how you set up for Christmas dinner in Florida. Clean up the lanai, put up an extra table and we are ready for 9 people at our house. We were lucky to have our sister-in-law, our daughter and her family plus our daughter's in laws with us. We truly enjoy the company of all these people in our lives. Also it was our son-in-law's birthday on December 25th which explains the birthday balloons and streamers in our table set up. Poor fellow gets swallowed up by all the Christmas festivities each year.
Our ham was great and all the dishes brought by company was superb with a cake and ice cream to polish off the dinner. After dinner we went out on the front lawn to shoot off string in a can for each of the kids. That was the end of the grandma surprises.

As everyone picked up their presents and food dishes we said good bye and thank you for another good memory. OK, I did have some really burnt on pans to deal with the next day but soaking helped and I pulled out the old white vinegar on a slow simmer to get the petrified chards off of the cookware.
Hoping your holiday was a joy for you.
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