The festive part of Christmas season is truly for children. In the past I have decorated and undecorated trees until the thrill was gone from holiday embellishment. Later when we moved to Florida we bought a nice artificial tree but the effort of retrieving and putting it back in the attic became more of a chore. We ended up giving the tree to our son and his family to brighten their holidays.
So this is what I have resorted to; decorating the chandelier! String a few beads, hang a few ornaments and magically we are ready for Christmas. Nothing says Christmas like beads and bulbs over the honey ham. This year the whole family living in Florida are coming to our house, that should be fun.
#1 call the cleaning ladies
#2 shop for the food
#3 keep it simple and ask others to help
#4 cook, serve and enjoy
#5 everyone goes home, we are tired (in a good way) so feet go up and the TV & PJ's go on:)
I may not be setting the art world on fire but I have a good life full of family, activities and friends.
I am blessed.
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